Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Action on the spirit egg

Materials; A plate of iron A fresh-egg A bottle of alcohol The working Put the tray in spirit, not too much, then break the eggs and we put in tray and let alcohol act Observations after 10 minutes to observe the effect of alcohol and gets the eggs begin to albeasca. After 30 minutes, the eggs start easy, easy to prajeasca, and after 45 minutes is totally fried. Explaining the phenomenon Egg is a food product after contact with spirits (flammable liquid), the eggs begin to prajeasca like when fried in oil. Conclusions Depending on the method applied I noticed that the eggs can be fried in alcohol without having contact with fire.

Pop Georgiana, Turcas Alexandra, Pah Dana, Rus Raluca

Scoala Gimnaziala "Gheorghe Lazar", Zalau, Romania


mar,mar,mar said...

we recommend you not to eat this egg, it is really interesting!! =)

mar,mar,mar said...

we recommend you not to eat this egg, it is really interesting!!=)