Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Vulcan Chemical_Eruption

Eruption: the glass in place until the half. vinegar and bicarbonate food. To get lava you can use colored or red coloring yellow.

Warning! Do not make rash supervised by the teacher!

Hudin Horatiu; Margin Horea ; Trestian Vlad; Negrea Sebastian; Margin Ionut

Scoala Gimnaziala "Gheorghe Lazar" , Zalau, Romania


Anonymous said...

Este un experiment in care se folosesc multe substante si este destul de greu de realizat dar imi place

Anonymous said...

Acest experiment este interesant si fascinant deoarece a fost realizat cu ajutorul muncii in echipa.

Anonymous said...

Este un experiment in care se folosesc multe substante si este destul de greu de realizat dar imi place

Anonymous said...

Interesting , this is a rection of 2 chimic element: vinegar and bicarbonate

Anonymous said...

I think we will try this project too
because is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

This experiment is complex; teamwork proving a real success of the chemical experiment, which may make this volcano newspaper to become a real mimand a volcanic eruption.We really wanna see it for real !!! Cosmin,Mara,Alexandra-Romania

Anonymous said...

in this experiment we observe the effect of vinegar on bicarbonates and substance flows from the volcano is the color orange because of a colourant to try to do us if we do not have the ability to see Oana,Bianca,Flavia,Iulia Romania

Anonymous said...

It`s a nice experiment wich used a lot of substancesc and is dificle to realize, butt i like it

Anonymous said...

It's a succeeded experiment ,that kids were ingeniously and we want to try it live . We think that took a lot of time until was achieved and we believe that teamwork solve any problems .
Bora Dan , Puscas Lavinia , Ciorocan Adrian , Marincas Matei , Breje Georgeta .

Anonymous said...

In this experiment to observ to spirith of to equip, where everyone it`s corporate because evri thing to come out good . it is experiments very good!:) Ivascau Iulia

Unknown said...

This experiment it's verry expensive, and that volcanic is verry real.